I see you, babe, because I have been you.


You are doing ALL THE THINGS.


You have tried every modality.

Done all the mindset work + affirmations.

You act the part; You look the part.


You are spiritual AF and you KNOW BETTER…


But you are still trying to get “there”

To that place where it’s all supposed to be better.

Where you feel like you’ve arrived.


You are still looking outside of yourself…

Not always, because you KNOW it’s all within (duh)


Yet you still find yourself reaching, looking, searching…


Maybe another modality will do the trick?

Maybe there’s more to learn? More to do?

If only you could find the thing…

So you could feel the way you want to feel inside.


It’s connection.

You desire depth. Intimacy. Union.

You long for the feeling of oneness…

In romantic relationship. In friendship. In community.

That is what you are really searching for.

You desire to feel God/dess in everything.

And oh how good she feels.

You desire TRUTH.

The truth of who you are. The truth of your life.

The truth of what’s meant for you.

You are done settling.

Done living for others. Done pleasing.

You are done trying to control.

You are ready to surrender to something bigger.


T&D is a space you step into when you are ready to…


surrender all control, meet your deepest truth, DISSOLVE your ARMOR and soften into life.

This is the space you step into when you are ready to stop looping through the same patterns in relationships and find deep connection.

This is the space you step into when you are ready to stop settling for “good enough” and find epic, mind blowing love and Sacred Union.

This is the space you step into when you are ready to drop the performance and become fully embodied in your own unique, authentic feminine expression.

THis space iS DeepLy DevotionaL

It will require you to meet yourself in the depths, in the darkness, in the void, in the death —

to then be reborn,

as the most authentic and true version of you.

again and again

the way of the feminine

This is where we cut through all the noise, come home to your body and drop into the EMBODIMENT of intimacy and divine love.


Meet YouR coacH


I will hold safe + loving space for you to bring ALL parts of you and go deep. To be seen, held, witnessed, alchemized, heard, reflected, accepted + loved. This will be a space where you can take off your armour and show up as you are.

I will see you in your power, as your truest + deepest self — and call you forward into her. I will be direct and so fucking loving with you. I will not let you stay in your shit, in victimhood, in fear or doubt. I will see and love you in those places, then remind you who the fuck you are and help you alchemize lead into GOLD.

I will provide full spectrum support, resources and mentorship in your pursuit of feminine embodiment, intimacy, epic relationships and the evolution of your soul. Expect me to pour into you, while maintaining healthy boundaries that hold us both in our power.

I will deliver the tools and provide the container for a deep + intimate journey. I will meet you where you are in each moment and listen to the pace of your body — while calling you to rise into your power + transformation.


Show up courageously to the work.

Take responsibility for yourself, your life, your healing and your success.

Be fully devoted to truth and honesty with yourself.

Put your trust in self over your trust in me.

Believe that it’s all working.


pillar one:


Devotion is the first area we work on because it is the foundational drive for EVERYTHING else. Through devotion ALONE you can transform your entire life.

I will support you in creating a devotional mindset, your own personal devotional daily practices, and a lifestyle of devotion. In this stage of our work together we are healing + building your relationship to self and to the divine with a foundation of unconditional love, compassion, self-trust, unshakable faith and commitment to your highest truth.


If you are not willing to be fully devoted, I am not the coach for you.

If you do not believe in and desire to co-create with a higher power, I am not the coach for you.


This is the bare minimum of the work we do together and is multifaceted. Devotion to the growth and evolution of your soul. Devotion to what you are here to create in/for this world. Devotion to pure, unconditional love. Devotion to TRUTH and INTIMACY. Devotion to the Divine (whatever that means for you personally).

pillar two:

SoMatic AlcHemY

Everything we do is through the body. This is where your trauma is held; repressed emotions are stored; limiting beliefs, conditioning, patterns + programs are running (in the subconscious). This is ALSO your divine channel; your vessel for creation; your Temple + inner alter; the seat of your knowing + personal power.

Your body holds it all.


In this part of our work together we will use somatic alchemy (body-based healing modalities) to transmute all the sticky bits of stored stress and dysfunctional patterns; release stuck energy + emotions; rewire subconscious beliefs; and create SPACE for divine oracular creation, inspiration, and life force energy to flow freely through your body. This will lead to more joy, peace, bliss, vitality, self-trust, clarity, sensuality, pleasure, and creative fire — cultivated from within.


Your nervous system is the physical channel for your energy, and this is the work of coming into healthy regulation + harmony in all body systems, while building the capacity + resiliency to hold more of life.

pillar three:

feMinine eMbOdiMent

This is where we refine and integrate all the work into EMBODIMENT. This means that it becomes natural and effortless – it becomes simply who you ARE, no longer something you need to think about but rather something you just BE.


You will discover and unleash your own unique expression of feminine essence while seeing the reflection of the inner work manifest into the world around you. This will show up as fulfillment in in your relationships, your career/business, friendships, motherhood, impact, and the way you show up powerfully + authentically in the world.


The result of the inner work is to create a beautiful, full-spectrum life that you feel fully ALIVE and at home in – and a BODY that you feel fully alive and at home in. We heal your relationship with yourself first and awaken the sensual fire of life force energy within you so that you can have epic relationships and soul-deep intimacy, love + eros – a liberated, turned-on life.

you want intimacy and epic relationships now, not later. book a free connection call with me and I will answer any questions you have, along with asking for your soul + heart desires.

let’s drop in.